

Company Profile

Ling Lee International Limited (寧勵國際有限公司) 於2007年初冬,由作家、資深傳媒人、人稱 Ling姐的李韡玲創辦,提倡天然護膚及養生之道,以及推廣行善最樂的企業理念。


這些年來,Ling姐身體力行,引入及推介天然護膚產品,更應她讀者的要求引進天然材料製成、適合不同年­齡人士的健康食品,並得到生化學博士 Dr. CC Lam 的指導,堅持大多數產品在香港製造和包裝,以保產品質素符合最高安全標準。

同時,Ling Lee 產品的加工和包裝,大部份交與匡智會、YMCA、鄰舍輔導會等慈善機構負責,實踐良心­企業理念。

2021年Ling Lee International Limited連續榮獲香港社會服務聯會頒授 「Caring Company」 10年以上獎狀,肯定Ling Lee International Limited多年來緊隨香港社會服務聯會呼籲的「商界展關懷」的努力和成績。

Ling Lee International Limited was established in 2007 by Ms Lee Wai-Ling, a.k.a Ling, a renowned writer and veteran journalist with a mission to promote the philosophy of natural beauty and natural health as well as responsible entrepreneurship.

Ling firmly believes good deeds give rise to positive, happy hormones which nourish both the skin and spirit, hence bringing about the benefits of a more radiant, youthful visage.

Since the company’s establishment, Ling has been passionately introducing a range of natural beauty products and health foods, in response to her readers’ demand.

With the valued guidance by Dr. CC Lam, the company maintains that most of products are manufactured in Hong Kong to meet the highest safety standards.

Most of Ling Lee International Limited’s processing and packaging are outsourced to NGOs like Hong Chi Association, YMCA and The Neighbourhood Active-Advice Council, which demonstrates the company’s practices in responsible entrepreneurship.

In 2021, Ling Lee International Limited was awarded the “Caring Company” certificate by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for the ten consecutive years in recognition of its commitment to corporate social responsibility
